
本鳥種列表根據美國的 Cornell Lab of Ornithology Clements Checklist version 2017/08/02,共計 40 246科,對應於IOC (International Ornithology Committee, 世界鳥類學家聯合會) v7.3,中文名稱以前參考 鳥類百科大全   與   台灣鳥類名錄   2017年版,以後將參照 IOC 鳥類名錄之中文名稱。
全世界鳥種超過 10,000,而在下所拍過的僅約   900,因此,僅有鏈結的部分才有鳥圖,只是先把所有的分類架構建立起來,方便以後有新鳥種進帳時更新;鳥圖有限,還請包涵。

This Bird List follows Cornell Lab of Ornithology Clements Checklist version 2017/08/02, which contains 40 Orders / 246 Families. Since I have only about 900 out to world 10,000+ bird species in my collection at this moment,  photos can be found only at those with web links. I hope I can add as more as possible in the future.   


非雀形目 之一   Non-Passeriformes Part 1
此列表包含 23 目 62科,包含 鴕鳥、水禽、陸禽、海鳥、水鳥、鷹鷲、鷺、鶴等。
Here lists 23 Orders / 62 Families, including Ostriches, Waterfowls, Fowls, Seabirds, Shorebirds, Eagles, Egrets, etc. 

非雀形目之二  Non-Passeriformes Part 2
此列表包含 16 目 43科,包含 鳩鴿、杜鵑、雨燕、犀鳥、魚狗、啄木鳥、鸚鵡等。
Here lists 16 Orders / 43 Families, including Doves, Cuckoos, Swifts, Hornbills, Kingfishers, Woodpeckers, Parrots, etc.

雀形目之一 Passeriformes Part 1
此列表為雀形目前半段,共計 70科,包含八色鳥、霸鶲、王鶲、鴉鵲、山椒鳥、伯勞、卷尾等。
Here lists 70 Families, the first half of Passeriformes, including Pittas, Tyrant Flycatchers, Monarch Flycatchers, Crows, Jays, Cuckooshrikes, Shrikes, Drongos, Larks, etc.

雀形目之二 Passeriformes Part 2
此列表為雀形目後半段,共計 71科,包含 燕、山雀、鶯、畫眉、鶇、八哥、鵐、雀等。
Here lists 71 Families, the second half of Passeriformes, including Swallows, Tits, Warblers, Babblers, Thrushes, Starlings, Sparrows, Finches, etc.
