
這個網頁將會收集我過去與將來在 野鳥攝影的精華照片,純為娛人與自賞,只是既然走過,留些痕跡罷了,由於在下並非鳥類學家,鳥功粗淺,如果資訊(尤其是鳥種辨識) 有誤,還請指正,萬般感激。

This Blog is going to show my selected pictures in wild birds photography from the past to the future. It is purely for my personal records. Please feel free to enjoy watching the pictures, and correct me if Bird ID is wrong.

參考資料 References:
  • 台灣鳥類列表  (資料老舊過時)
  • 中國非雀形目鳥類列表  (資料老舊過時)
  • 中國雀形目鳥類列表   (資料老舊過時)
  • 菲律賓鳥類列表
  • 加州鳥類列表
  • Wikipedia (維基百科英文版)
  • 維基百科  (維基百科中文版,部分資料殘缺老舊)
  • Google Search 野鳥照片(參照比對)
  • 自然攝影中心 Nature Campus 鳥類辨識討論
  • 野鳥圖鑑: "台灣野鳥圖鑑", by 廖本興, 2012. 
  • 野鳥圖鑑: "A field guide to the Birds of Thailand", by Grag Robson, 2006
  • 野鳥圖鑑: "The Sibley Guide to Birds", by David Allen Sibley, 2010
  • 野鳥圖鑑: "Pocket Guide to the Birds of the Indian Subcontinent", by Richard Grimmett, Carol Inskipp, and Tim Inskipp, 1999.
  • 野鳥圖鑑: "The Hand Guide to the Birds of New Zealand", by Hugh Robertson and Barrie Heathter, illustrated by Derek Onley, 3rd edition, 2015.
  • 野鳥圖鑑: "A Field Guide to the Birds of New Zealand", by Julian Fitter and Don Merton,  2011.
  • 野鳥圖鑑: "Albatrosses, Petrels & Shearwaters of the World", by Derek Onley and Paul Scoflied,  2007.
  • Avibase  (資料很新,推薦)
  • Clement's Checklist (請參照最新版本,鳥種分類依據,其他網頁鳥種資料有差異時,以此為準則,美國系統)
  • IOC World Bird List (請參照最新版本,鳥種分類依據,其他網頁鳥種資料有差異時,以此為準則,非美國系統,但和 Clement's List 有對照關係),中文鳥名參照其中的 Multilingual version
  • 台灣鳥類名錄 (請參照最新版本,定期根據 Clement's Checklist 更新)
  • 野鳥與生物圖鑑: "Birds and Animals of Australia's Top End", by Nick Leseberg and Iain Campbell, 2015, Kindle edition.
  • 野鳥圖鑑: "Field Guide to Australian Birds", by Michael Morcombe, Second edition, revised and reprinted 2019. 
  • eBird 野鳥資訊
  • Merlin app 野鳥辨識
  • Picture Bird 網站資訊
